What are the symptoms of amphetamine addiction?

What are the symptoms of amphetamine addiction? 

Friends and family of people suffering fromamphetamine addiction often wonder if they could’ve done more to help the afflicted person. They often lament the fact they couldn’t pinpoint the problem earlier  and save their loved one some of the suffering they’ve gone through.

Understanding what to look for is a good preemptive way of heading off some of the more catastrophic results from amphetamine addiction.  Here’s a  list of just a few of the symptoms friends and family should consider to be red flags.

  • A personality change is one of the things that concerned relatives should be looking for. People  often go from being personable and outgoing to secretive when the addiction takes hold.
  • Physical changes. Activeamphetamine addiction can even change a person’s physical appearance as they lose interest in eating, exercising and other healthy activity .

Although the general consensus is that amphetamine addiction like similar problems cannot be cured but only arrested, treatment centers teach afflicted people a variety of relapse prevention techniques. Identifying triggers that lead back to substance abuse is a big part of any after care philosophy.

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