Here’s some serious statistics on addiction

Here’s some serious statistics on addiction 

If you’re sitting on the fence and wondering if you’ve got an issue with drugs or alcohol, perhaps some statistics on addiction will help you to decide one way or the other. Quite often , all that’s needed is a broad perspective to help a person make up their mind to get the help they need and start on the path to a new life.

Consider that:

  • There are currently 23 million North Americans that suffer from drug and alcohol abuse aged 12 and over. That means there’s a strong chance you know or are related to someone with a problem who might need professional help to put their lives back on track.
  • More than 15 million people suffer from an alcohol addiction.

Sadly, these statistics on addiction are changing everyday and the need is growing for more and better rehab facilities to treat people that are suffering. Awareness is one of the tools that treatment centers are using to catch people before their drug and alcohol issues become life threatening. If you’re suffering through the ravages of addiction , there’s no need to become one of the latest statistics on drug abuse.

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